

This statute applies to the GAMM junior research group of the (name of the institution).

(Junior research groups can be established at universities and at non-university research institutions. At each institution, there can be only one GAMM junior research group.)

This junior research group is established by the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM) and operates within the framework of the statutes of GAMM e.V. The rules for the establishment and organization of the junior research group are governed by the GAMM regulations and these statutes. A GAMM junior research group can join another organization (e.g. SIAM) if this is approved by the GAMM.


The GAMM promotes the scientific development in all fields of applied mathematics and mechanics.

1. The purpose of the association is the cultivation and promotion of scientific activities and international cooperation in applied mathematics and in all sub-disciplines of mechanics and physics, which are part of the fundamentals of engineering sciences. The association pursues this purpose primarily by organizing scientific conferences.

2. The fulfillment of the association’s purpose shall exclusively and directly serve the promotion of science and thus the general public, to the exclusion of any pursuit of economic gain.

The objectives of the junior research group must not conflict with the objectives of the GAMM.

(Add the specific objectives of the junior research group).

The aim of a GAMM junior research group is to promote interdisciplinary cooperation in applied mathematics, mechanics and other disciplines represented in the GAMM between master and doctoral students of the (name of the institution).


(Briefly describe the activities planned for the junior research group. Examples include organizing local meetings on topics of interest to applied mathematics and mechanics students, team projects, …).


1. All master students and doctoral students of the (name of the institution) who are interested in applied mathematics, mechanics and other disciplines represented in the GAMM can become regular members of the group. The GAMM welcomes an interdisciplinary composition of group members from different faculties and institutions. All members of the junior research group must be regular members or student members of the GAMM. 

2. (Here, group organizers may limit or expand the pool of eligible members. The group of regular members can not be expanded. However, other types of membership can be defined. List these (if applicable) along with their associated privileges (if any). For example, senior members can be established to allow PhD members in the group. Please note that only regular members can get a student membership in the GAMM).

3. Each regular member of the group can become a student member of the GAMM, free of charge for a maximum period of 3 years. This can be applied for by the executive board of the junior research group. The application for the affected regular members must be submitted annually and in writing. The executive board of the junior research group must ensure that the regular members involved are enrolled in a Diplom or Master’s degree program at the (name of institution) or are doctoral students there. Members of the group are encouraged to become GAMM members.

4. Regular membership expires when a member receives a doctorate (unless Article III.2 also provides for post-doctoral memberships), leaves the university, or resigns from the group.


The GAMM representative of the (name of the institution) is the supervisor of the group. Upon request by the junior research group, they may delegate this task to another person as long as this person is also a GAMM member. The supervisor supports the junior research group in carrying out its activities (e.g. assistance in booking rooms, organizing the handling of finances, inviting guests). Moreover, the supervisor shall ensure that the group’s activities are consistent with the GAMM’s objectives and those set forth in Article II.


1. The group has an executive board consisting of a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer. The secretary and the treasurer may be combined into one office. All board members must be regular members of the group. The first executive board is appointed by the GAMM representative(s) of the hosting institution for the first academic year.

2. The President shall chair all meetings of the group. If the president is absent, the vice-president shall assume the duties of the president. In the absence of the latter, the secretary takes over the duties.

3. The secretary keeps records of all activities of the group. They are responsible for all correspondences. The secretary must submit a brief annual report on the activities of the group

  1. in due time by the end of May and
  2. unsolicited

to the local supervisor and to the GAMM office. This report must be written in such a way that it can be used for publication in the GAMM newsletter.

4. The treasurer receives and manages the group’s finances and submits an annual financial report to the GAMM treasurer. This report will be reviewed by the two GAMM internal auditors. The financial report is due at the end of the academic year, but no later than 30 days after the end of the summer semester.

5. During the last month of the executive board’s term, a new executive board must be elected by the members of the group. The secretary, in consultation with the president, invites all group members to the board election two weeks in advance. The election can be held as part of the annual general meeting [see Article VI.2]. All group members are allowed to nominate candidates. They must be communicated to the secretary by the beginning of the election. Before the election, the secretary must ask for additional nominations. The chairpersons are elected by the regular members according to the relative majority principle. Regular members who are unable to attend the election in person may send their ballot in advance to the secretary, up to one day before the election. The secretary reports the official results to the group members and to the GAMM secretary within one week.

6. The terms of office shall be based on the academic year.

(Explain the period of the terms. It is recommended that the executive board be elected for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years. A (potential) re-election of board members should also be allowed for).


1. Each year, a minimum of two meetings shall be held.

2. At the end of the academic year, but no later than the end of October, the annual general meeting shall be held. The president or the treasurer may call additional general meetings, provided that they are announced two weeks in advance.


1. (The group may establish mandatory or optional registration fees for meetings or activities, or raise funds in other lawful ways, provided they do not conflict with the GAMM’s statutes. Moreover, sponsorship of the group activities (e.g. assumption of costs or co-financing of lecturers) can be agreed upon between the group and the professorships involved.)

2. All funds of the group must be maintained in a bank account under the name of the group or in a university account. All unused funds are the property of the GAMM [see Article IX.3].

3. The treasurer is responsible for keeping accounts of all expenses and receipts of any activities in all accounts of the group.

4. Each academic year, the group’s executive board can apply for funding to the GAMM treasurer. An application for funding must be made in writing and be accompanied by a current financial statement of the group as well as a list of planned expenses and their benefits to the group. Granted funds may only be used to support group activities.

5. Members of the junior research group may seek funds for the group only on behalf of the junior research group (not on behalf of the GAMM).


These statutes can only be modified or amended after approval by the GAMM executive board. First, a majority vote of the group members entitled to vote must be held (in person or by proxy voting) at an announced general meeting. The request for modification or amendment can only be submitted to the GAMM once the group has passed a positive majority decision.


1. A group is approved by the GAMM for a period of three years. Prior to the expiration of the approval, an activity report including a statement as to whether the group is requesting an extension of the approval for another 3 years must be submitted to the GAMM executive board via the local GAMM representative(s). The executive board decides on the continuation or dissolution of the group. If no evaluation report is submitted, the group will be dissolved.

2. A group may dissolve itself by a unanimous vote of all members (in person or by proxy voting) at an announced general meeting. An invitation of all members to this general meeting with reference to the planned vote must be made at least 30 days in advance.

3. A group must have at least eight regular members at any time. If this is not the case, the group can be dissolved by the GAMM executive board.

4. A group may be dissolved by the GAMM executive board if the group has not conducted any activities for one year.

5. In the event of the dissolution of a group, all remaining funds must be returned to the GAMM within 60 days.