GAMMAS Online-Journal

GAMM Archive for Students (GAMMAS)

GAMMAS is an online-journal for scientific contributions from and for students in the fields of applied mathematics and mechanics. The present journal covers a wide range of topics, among others: Multi-body dynamics, continuum mechanics, material modeling, algebra, analysis, image processing, control theory, fluid dynamics, optimization, system theory and scientific computing. The applications are commonly in the fields of applied sciences and engineering. Typical articles aim at developing mathematical models, possibly in connection with experiments, at developing analytical or numerical methods, at combining and comparing existing methods or at introducing into new topics, in which no textbooks exist yet. However, articles are not limited to these fields and contents. The editors will consider all innovative contributions. In all cases, great importance is attached to professional writing and clarity of expression. Further, it is encouraged to add supplementary material to the articles and take advantage of the online character of the journal. This publication format intends to motivate students for research and scientific discussions. It gives students the opportunity to publish first research results or literature surveys that would probably not be suitable for publication elsewhere while still being of significant interest to the scientific community. Also negative results are welcome, e.g. the outcome that a specific method or tool does not work for a certain problem class. Moreover, the students can learn about academic writing and gain first insights into publication and review processes, which they might face in a possible academic career. In addition to regular articles, there is an educational section for tutorials, projects and experiments. This section is open for non-student authors and focuses on students and school teachers as potential readers. This journal is run by the GAMM Juniors of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik GAMM e.V.). Submission, subscription and access are free and open for everybody.

Speakers of the GAMM Juniors

Speakers of the GAMM Juniors